
Research Article

A Further Example Showing Efficiency of a Modeling Method Based on the Theory of Dynamic Systems in Pharmacokinetics

Maria Durisova*

Published: 25 January, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 007-012

Aims: To present a further example showing an efficiency of a modeling method based on the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics.

Study design:The goals of the current study were twofold: to present (1) a further example showing efficiency of a modeling method based on the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics, an to perform (2) a next step in tutoring the use of computational and modeling tools from the theory of dynamic systems in pharmacokinetics.

The data available in the study by Plusquellec et al. published in the October Issue of the Journal Medical Engineering & Physics were used to exemplify the method considered here. For modeling purpose an advanced mathematical modeling method was employed. Modeling was performed using the computer program named CTDB described in the study by Dedík et al. published in September 2007 issue of the Journal Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice.

Main outcome: Modeling results revealed that computational and modeling tools from the theory of dynamic systems can be successfully used in the development of a mathematical model of such a complicated process as is a multiple sites discontinuous gastrointestinal absorption.

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Dynamic system; Mathematical model; Transfer function


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