Published: 08 January, 2018 | Volume 2 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-009
Figure 2:
Hippocampal NOS-1 expression in diazepam treated animals: a) Bar graphs show NOS-1 expression (OD, optical density, NOS-1/actin) in VEHIC, DZ(D) and DZ(ND) animals in dorsal HP (*p<0.05 compared to all groups). b) Graphs show correlation between the %TA and NOS-1 expression in DZ(D) and DZ(ND) in dorsal HP. The correlation coefficients (r) are indicated inside the graph. c) Bar graphs show NOS-1 expression (OD, optical density, NOS-1/actin) in VEHIC, DZ(D) and DZ(ND) animals in ventral HP. d) Graphs show correlation between the %TA and NOS-1 expression in DZ(D) and DZ(ND) in ventral HP. The correlation coefficients (r) are indicated inside the graph. In both a and c, bars represent means±SE and below each graph representative western blot for NOS-1 and actin immunoreactivity are shown. Full-length blots from cropped VEHIC, DZ(D) and DZ(ND) in dorsal and ventral HP are shown in supplementary figure 1a and 1b respectively.
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